four days!
so, this will be my blog for the most amazing year EVER aka the year (11 months..) when im in argentina!!! forgive me if i'm bad about keeping the blog. i havent done any of these things ever, so also forgive any, or rather the lack of anything "special" about the blog. its about as basic as i could get lol ^-^ but im special. so as of now, i'm not packed... at all... which is a slight problem. as in four days (WEDNESDAYYY) i will be boarding first a flight to miami, then a flight to BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA where i will stay for 3 weeks living with a temporary family and going to some language camp thing b/c the area i was supposed to go, san rafael, the branch of the organization there went kinda kaput as far as i can tell.. they didn't have enough volunteers or something, so all of us assigned to that area weren't placed with host families so they finally just came up with the language camp idea so we didn't have to have some sort of delayed departure or w/e as they search all throughout argentina for host families for us poor unwanted children. right now, im really hoping i get an amazing temporary family who magically loves me and wants me to stay the rest of the year. cuz i dunno how i'd like arriving in bueons aires but knowing i'm only there for 3 weeks and after that... i could be anywhere. hence the "somewhere" in the title.. >: )> it just makes packing difficult. no it doesnt. but its my excuse for not packing. im sure if i were to start packing, the not knowing part would make it difficult. but its all good ^-^