four days!
so, this will be my blog for the most amazing year EVER aka the year (11 months..) when im in argentina!!! forgive me if i'm bad about keeping the blog. i havent done any of these things ever, so also forgive any, or rather the lack of anything "special" about the blog. its about as basic as i could get lol ^-^ but im special. so as of now, i'm not packed... at all... which is a slight problem. as in four days (WEDNESDAYYY) i will be boarding first a flight to miami, then a flight to BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA where i will stay for 3 weeks living with a temporary family and going to some language camp thing b/c the area i was supposed to go, san rafael, the branch of the organization there went kinda kaput as far as i can tell.. they didn't have enough volunteers or something, so all of us assigned to that area weren't placed with host families so they finally just came up with the language camp idea so we didn't have to have some sort of delayed departure or w/e as they search all throughout argentina for host families for us poor unwanted children. right now, im really hoping i get an amazing temporary family who magically loves me and wants me to stay the rest of the year. cuz i dunno how i'd like arriving in bueons aires but knowing i'm only there for 3 weeks and after that... i could be anywhere. hence the "somewhere" in the title.. >: )> it just makes packing difficult. no it doesnt. but its my excuse for not packing. im sure if i were to start packing, the not knowing part would make it difficult. but its all good ^-^
ADA!!!! THIS IS ALL IN CAPS BECAUSE I'M SO EXCITED. YOU LEAVE IN FOUR DAYS!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!! AND YOU HAVEN'T PACKED!!!!! WOW LOOK AT ALL MY EXCLAMATION MARKS!! Okay seriously. I'm SO excited for you and you better write me billions of times and send billions of pictures, or I'll come down to Argentina and... I don't know, but that'd be pretty cool.
4 days!!!
haha :D i'll write. hopefully at some point i'll figure out how to put pics on the blog. for now, general fyi: if ur gonna post a comment (AND EVERYONE SHOULD!! lol ^-^) then either use blogger if u hav one, or other, then put ur name and leave the website blank.. unless of course u've a website to put ^-^ anywhooooo i probably wont post again till im in argentina. which is only a couple days away!! :D
i just got your IM! anyway, have a great time in argentina!! im so excited for you! wish i could have done an exchange too, but i suppose i can just wait until college at this point ^^;;
anyway, i cant wait to read your updates! you have to post everything!! i mean really, how many people are able to blog stuff like this...
im gonna miss you more than everrrr and like..idk. probably i will die because there will be so many times that the boys are here and your not. its unfortunate.
Hola! Buena suerte en Argentina! Espero que tú tienes un año fantástico!
Hasta luego,
Megan :)
Germany 06-07
Make sure to bring some WARM clothes, 'cus its friggin' COLD. Hell, I'm just about as north as you can get in Arg. (Iguazu falls by the Brazilian and Paraguayan border) and I'm freezin' my ass off!
Buenos Aires is a cool city.. no worries getting stuck there for a while. I'm just gonna be there on Wednesday night and that's it, so I probably won't see you before I come back to the states, but everyone is real friendly and I'm sure you'll have a whole crew of amig@s within a few days :)
oh.. to post pictures, when you're in the writing tool, click on the little button that looks sorta like a square picture, locate it on your computer, and then it'll get automatically pasted into the textof the writing tool. To move it, just highlight it and cut and paste as you want.
have fun!
I just wanted to say that everything happens for a reason. If I could give u one thing to take with is that. Always remember that everything that happens should happen at that exact time and place and form. It is up to you to decide what the reason is and take the gift that it offers. This is your destiny. Best wishes in Argentina. Rock it!
Woohoo exchangers!!!! We will change our lives forever!!!!
Always, Sofia
hi ada I realy like your blogg
I wish I could have seen you more this summer but I'm back home in Norway
xoxo A.H.
heyy. my email is enjoy ARGENTINA!!! Lol
<3 Maggi
omg!! its sooo awesome that u r leaving this wednesday!!!!, im soo happy for u! but well, actually jsut the nite before leaving I packed... so don´t worry about that part, but be careful about the weight part! and the money!! be careful!!!!!!!! xDD my credit card was with steam after I used it! xD but well, just take care! and don´t worry about the family I have a friend of mine that he stayed with 6 families.... xD not really xD just with 2 and he didn´t have any family when he left.... "so dont´worry aobut the pain... evrything is gonna be alright..." xD... luv ya! and miss ya!! see ya soon! hoepfully here! and any question about the language im here for u! jsut like u did!!! :)
Have an AWESOME flight!!!
And have a grrrreat time en Argentina!!!!!!
I'll talk to you laterrrr(In Spanish!!??)
Hey Ada it's Rebecca (2nd cousin or whatever). i havent made an account so I guess I'll be anonymous for now. That is SO exciting though!!! I have a friend from Argentina (though she's lived here most of her life). If you need to know any cool spots, stuff to do, etc just let me know and I'll pass it on. My family all say hi to you and your family.
i loooove youuuu!!!!1
hey ada! i know you better as countryrock135, but whatever. i didn't get to talk to you those last six days! aah! and i said i would! oh well! hope argentina is beautiful and wonderful and full of fun and sunshine! i also hope that you get a really nice family XP....
from ben
aka eurolyght =)
Heyy ada,well i hope u have fun in is like 2 days after u left and i tlked to ur mom yesterday and she said they had found out the in info on ur family that u are with for 3 weeks. ttyl
hey everybody!!!! don't have time to put up a real post right now. just saying hi, i'm here, all in one piece, orientation was fun whenever we weren't orienting and weren't too cold to move (no heat) i go to my temporary host family soon!! so i'll put up a post in a day or so, when i've had time to sleep and raise my body temperature to a normal one.. tho it's actually quite nice at the airport. (where we're all waiting; some flying, the rest of us waiting to get picked up; for orientation after the euorpean kids arrived - a day after the americans - we were split up: one group, the bigger one, stayed at the first place and they were the group that are going by bus to their host families, the rest of us flying or staying in buenos aires went to another... luckily much better place, WAY warmer than the first tho still absolutely freezing. anyways, lots of love to everyone thanks for all the comments!!!
heyy! I MISS YOU ALREADY! ew im so jealous because it sounds like youre having a lot of fun. i hope that you have a fantastic time and il probably leave you a lot of annoying comments but yeahhh i love you! --court
heyy ada
well i am glad u are having a GREAT time in Argentina.It is so great that you are able to have that experience cause i know i could never do i just read all ur blog stuff.and that is relly cool that u like most of the food and stuff except for the airplane food.hehe.k well i am gonna go i'll tlk to u email is
>Jess(ur closest neighbor)(hehe)
Hey Ada! I MISS YOU SO MUCH! It's been weird not seeing you around school.... but I just spent the past 2 1/2 hours looking at your pictures (every single one of them-- haha, I take enough on my own that I love to look at others, especially if people are actually taking almost as many as I do) and reading this blog. I only got through the most recent one, but everything sounds AWESOME! I entirely understand if you don't get a chacne to e-mail me, but I would love to hear from you! It really is strange that you're not at school. I've always seen you there since, what, first grade? That's at least when we became friends. I never imagined then that you'd be running off and doing this! Hmmm, I'm probably not allowed to write comment things on this according to my parents, but oh well. I'll risk it for a friend... and then send you an actual e-mail. And then go to sleep. I'm tired.
By the way, I love the black and white pics! I mean, everything is beautiful, but those especially... Did you take them? Wonderful! Oh, and what kind of camera are you using? You described it as being big, but do you have a manual? How are you getting them onto the internet if you do? It would cost kind of a lot to get all of those onto a CD... Or even to develop them all. Just curious. right, I should probably stop taking up all of the space here and just e-mail you. Have fun speaking spanish and being in an entirely different place! I envy your exciting new life.
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